It occurs to me with all this talk lately on the radio and television regarding LeBron James and the "Super Team" they've assembled in Miami, that teamwork is an essential piece of that puzzle for any team to win a "championship". Without teamwork you can have all the talent in the world but if you can't work together than nothing gets accomplished.
I remember years ago when I was a sales manager and I teamed up with another sales manager on an account that had multiple locations in each of our regions. The corporate office was in my territory but a majority of the business was in his, and I had a good relationship with the decision maker. So naturally if we "tag-teamed" the account there would be no stopping us. Right? Uh right...things don't always work out the way they should.
First of all picture a short man, named Fred, with an attitude, and you'll see where I'm going with this one. A short man, with a little bit of a temper and a HUGE EGO. I was willing to work with "Wicked Webster", as long as we made the sale; who cares. I felt it best if we meet to plan out the call and he agreed. We met at a coffee shop near his house, naturally.
"I think I should lead the call since I know the decision maker and have a relationship", I said as we sipped our mocha smocha latte something, something...
"I don't agree." he retorted, "Most of the accounts are in my territory and so I should lead the call."
"Fred, no offense but that doesn't make sense. Our contact doesn't know you at all so I think we should ease into it and build some rapport before you start leading the call. Why don't I start the call and we can work it together."
"Okay you can start the call, but I prefer to do most of the talking."
" Why?", I asked, somewhat offended.
" I wanna give us the best chance to win.", he responded not listening to a word I said.
" Win what? Is this a race? This is a big account and I want us to "win" too. Just let me introduce you and don't think I'm not going to speak after I introduce you to Jim."
"Jim? That's your contact's name Jim? Okay got it. I'll take it from there.", as if he didn't need to talk anymore now that he got the contact's name.
" Okay, here's what's going to happen Fred. I will introduce you, we will build some rapport just to verify his buying motives and then we'll work on establishing a good relationship so we can move forward."
"I agree. Just let me do the talking and we'll be fine.", he said and adjusted his tie, checking out the girls coming in the door and smiling. The girls gave him an odd look, and shuffled past as if they were afraid he would tug at their skirts.
" I will do some talking for sure, but I will let you have the spotlight if you like. But if I see it going south I'm steppin in. Got it?"
"Yeah, that's not gonna happen.", again he smiled at more girls coming in the door and received the same reaction. As if they were wondering who the short, perverted man in the suit was up to with his odd smile.
"Whatever dude.", I had given up on trying to convince him my input mattered. So far the teamwork part wasn't going so well.
We rode together to the call and just as planned, I introduced Fred to our contact Jim, "Thanks for meeting with us today Jim, this is the other manager who would be handling your account, Fred. Fred's been with us for a long time, has a wealth of experience for us to draw upon, and would be a great person to partner with to help you increase your business."
Fred stepped in, "Thanks for the great introduction, I'll take over from here.", and then he never stepped out.
For nearly an hour he bored the customer with all the great things he had done for the company, and all the wonderful things he was going to do for Jim and his company. He asked Jim about the pictures on his wall, what sport's teams he rooted for, everything except what he wanted. I interjected a few times only to have Fred make a joke like, "Yeah right, like that's gonna help them!"
After we left, I felt underwhelmed by the call, Fred on the other hand was elated.
"Man! That went great. I covered everything! And did you see how I had his attention. He only looked at his watch 3 times. That's gotta be a record. Most of the time they check their watch regularly. Wasn't I great?!"
"Fred, were we on the same call? I don't think we're going to get that account. You didn't let me say anything. I know Jim, I've known him for ten years. I think he was looking for you to find out what HE WANTED, not what we do. '
"You're so negative. It's a good thing I didn't let you talk. You might of blown it for us. Thank God I was there to save it."
Just then my cell phone rang and I answered. It was Jim.
"Heh, you left your bag here, just thought I'd let you know. Are you gonna come back and get it."
" Oh I'm sorry Jim, yeah I'll come back and get it right away."
" Listen why don't you come back and you and I will talk about the account. Don't bring your friend."
" Okay. Why? Is something wrong?"
" No there's nothing wrong. He's just an asshole that's all."
I couldn't help myself; I started laughing and so did Jim.
" Okay Jim, I'll go pick up my car and come back later today like around 4 is that okay?"
" Yeah no problem. And I'm serious. Do not bring that guy back in here. He's a dick!"
" Sure, sure, no problem. Thanks Jim, see you at 4."
" See ya.", Jim said and I hung up the phone.
The entire time I was on my cellphone I could feel Fred breathing down my neck trying to hear every word. He was driving and I had to cover the phone to keep him from eavesdropping.
When I hung up my teammate was on me immediately, "Was that Jim? Oh wow, I knew I did great! Sounded like he wants us to come back. Does he?". Fred was nearly jumping out of his seat and not focusing on the road.
" Yes that was Jim. And yes he wants ME to come back. I left my bag there."
" Oh god you are such an idiot. Why did you do that? Good thing I was there or we would never get the account."
" He wants me to come back at 4 and he wants me to come alone."
" What? Why?", Fred turned as he driving with a shocked look.
" He doesn't want you there.", I said staring straight ahead, not looking at him.
" Why?", again he seemed terribly confused.
" His exact words?", I asked.
" Yes what did he say?"
" His exact words?", I asked him again, afraid to give him the answer.
" Yes!", and as he said this he nearly jumped out of the driver's seat.
" Don't bring your friend, he's a dick.", I answered and looked straight ahead, feeling a bit absolved, but also bad for Fred.
Fred didn't say anything for a while and just kept his eye on the road looking ahead. For once he was quiet and this lasted a few minutes. He just sat there staring at the road. I was about to say something when Fred spoke up.
"He really said "he's a dick"? Those words exactly?"
He nodded his head. Sat driving for a few minutes and then said:
" That's weird people don't usually say that about me until the second call."
I nearly fell out of my seat laughing and so did Fred. Now that's what I call teamwork.