I woke up this morning so excited about a big presentation I was working on last night. It is a Target Account I'd been visiting for months. I had done all the research on the company, talked to many of the key decision makers, and pin pointed all of their needs in the presentation. I printed all the information, bound each copy, checked my LCD projector, organized everything on the kitchen table and I was ready to roll!
I was a little pressed for time, so I hopped in the shower and when I came out of the bathroom, the kitchen was a disaster! My puppy was laying in her bed chewing on one of the binders, the rest of them were scattered all over the floor and the LCD projector was hanging by its cord from the table. I picked everything up, saved the rest of the presentations, put the puppy out and headed out to the account. I had no time to print another copy and would make it to the account just in time. When I got there, fortunately the projector still worked and one person, Debra, didn't show up for the meeting.
I started with, "Thanks for allowing me to present to you this morning. I just wanted to mention, I'm kinda thankful Debra isn't here because my dog ate her presentation. Literally, I left the presentations on the kitchen table and she somehow knocked them all down on the floor and chewed one. so fortunately Debra didn't show this morning. Otherwise I'd have to give her a presentation full of teeth marks!"
That got a big laugh from everyone and the meeting went well from the get go! It's good to throw in a little humor from time to time to lighten the mood. We're all people so if you have joke or a comment that's funny: USE IT. Be warned though, some people think they are funny and they're really not. So test the joke on a colleague or a friend. "Laughter is the best medicine"...for a sale.
- M
PS: And unlike me, keep it clean. Meetings are not the forum for dirty jokes!
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