Today I had an appointment with my vet to do a check up on my dog. I took her in and all of the sudden he advised me that she had all these things wrong with her. She seemed to be cramping, she looked stressed, her color was off. It sounded like he was talking about a car! Not my dog.
You know those times when you go to a Jiffy Lube, an Econo Lube, or even a regular mechanic just for an oil change or a tune up, and then suddenly your car is falling apart? And you're not sure if you believe the mechanic? This is precisely why people don't buy because they don't TRUST THE MESSENGER. That's exactly how I felt as the vet read off a laundry list of issues, including the fact that she needed a dog breath freshening system. Hello?! She's a dog! He explained that the system would significantly reduce the harmful effects of bad dog breath. Jesus, really? That's great if she out meeting people and socializing with them on a daily basis, but really doctor I don't think she's been invited to any parties lately.
I looked at him, nodded in agreement, took the dog by the leash, paid him for his overpriced charade, and told him I would think about getting all those expensive drugs and procedures for my pooch. Then I watched as the dog peed on the rug in his waiting room. The vet stood there and looked at me and then he looked at the dog.
"See. I told you she's got a lot of problems right now. Didn't I? Look what she just did."
"She seems fine to me!", I said with a little pride, "Thanks doc", I turned, and walked the dog out of the office.
When I got outside I scratched her head and neck, "Good girl", I said, "But a little poop would've been better."
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