Have you ever been in a conversation or presentation, and the person your directing all your energy towards is ignoring you?! As a rep, we can be spit on, yelled at, threatened physically, and even beaten, but WE DO NOT LIKE TO BE IGNORED. It's just rude! Hey we're people too.
Today, I was with a potential customer and he was too busy looking at his computer to answer any of my questions with enthusiasm. I think I was putting him to sleep, which normally is the affect I have on people. But this guy would stare at his computer the whole time, and he wasn't listening to a word I was saying. The needs analysis, rapport building, and Q&A went something like this:
Me: This is quite an amazing facility you have here. How long have you been working for ___________(insert company name here)?
Sleeping Beauty: Huh? How long have I what? (Typing away on his computer)
Me: How long have you worked here?
Sleeping Beauty: Oh, me? About ten years.
Me: Really? That's a long time. What drew you to this line of work? Was it something you always wanted to do?
Sleeping Beauty: Huh? Oh me. A friend brought me in one day and I liked it. What does this have to do with your products? (Still looking at his screen and typing)
Me: I'm just trying to get a sense of who you are and what you're looking for in a company, out products are really irrelevent. We want to establish a business partnership with you and _________.
Sleeping Beauty: What? Can you repeat what you just said? (Not even looking at me now)
Me: I said we'd like to establish a business partnership with your company first. We know our products work, but we want to work with you.
Sleeping Beauty: Oh yeah right, right. I got ya.
He was so engrossed in what he was doing, he was now leaning closer to his monitor and typing furiously. I knew that he was not listening to a word I was saying at this point.
Me: Do you mind if I tasered you now?
Sleeping Beauty: Huh. If you what now? (unaware of what I just said)
Me: Do you mind if I tapered this conversation. Maybe we can meet at a time that's more convenient for you.
Sleeping Beauty: Uh what? Why would you want to tape the conversation? That's strange. (Still not looking at me, but too busy updating his FaceBook profile).
Me: No I said tapered. In other words cut it short and rescheduled.
Sleeping Beauty: What? What? Why?
Me: To be honest, I think I'm boring you, and it would be better if I came back when you have more time.
Sleeping Beauty: What? Okay sure, sure. You're not boring me. Sorry I just have to get this done now and I don't have any time. I really was listening.
Me: Oh no. I completely understand, and thanks for your time. How bout we do this again next week on the same day in the morning. Like 9 am?
Sleeping Beauty: Huh? Yeah that works. Sorry again, but we'll get into it next time. (Shaking my hand but barely looking away from his computer monitor)
Me: Thanks.
I shook his hand and left, but I would like to have shaken his whole body! I hate when people meet with you but your eyes never meet. If they don't have time, I wish they'd just tell me. So if someone is ignoring you, just throw something out there. What do you have to lose? You don't even have their attention! Say something to make them sit up and listen....or taser them, whichever works.
Have a great day selling!
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