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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekly Quotes by Nick Handy

Every sales blog,sales magazine, and sales book usually contains famous quotes by some notable speaker on the subject. However this one doesn't. Because let's face it, we don't really utilize that crap out in the field. It's strictly for meetings and for motivation. It's something we tack on the end of our Power Point presentations to impress the boss or the customer. So we've decided to start our own Weekly Quotes. They might not seem as inspirational as some of the other quotes, but you might like them.

"Teamwork: Teamwork is when a group of people stops being a bunch of selfish bastards just long enough to get something done. That can be anything from completing a lunar landing to eating a pizza."

1 comment:

  1. I ate a whole pizza last night with one other person. I am excellent at teamwork.
