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Thursday, November 15, 2012

You Are The Most Important Person At Your Company

Working for years in Operations, you always drink the Kool-Aid, and think that everyone is created equally, and that the CEO made you in his own image.  Which for me is a bit frightening since our CEO is short, balding, and dresses like a yachtsman.  In fact, I think he may have been one half of the duo "The Captain and Tennille" who had a few hits in the 1970's, including my personal favorite, "Muskrat Love".  Our CEO prefers polo shirts with navy blazers and khaki pants.  I look at him and think he's an extra from the movie "Caddyshack".  In fact he could have been Ted Knight's golf partner.

Yet working in Operations, you believe that  EVERYONE is important to the operation, and EVERYONE can take part in the company's success.  Yet what, or rather who, drives the business?  Sales people that's who! YOU are the most important person working at your company.

I don't care how much this offends other people in your organization, and I was one of those other people, without sales there is no organization.  Sorry service, administrative, and support people, but SALES IS WHERE THE JOURNEY BEGINS. Without a sale there would be no need for administration, or operations, or even service.  There would be nothing.  So if you ever start to feel down, or you're having a bad day and people are giving you a hard time, just think secretly to yourself,

"I'm more important than you are to this company. So kiss my ass."

And again, I stated to say it secretly because you don't want to piss everyone off, then your sales will never go through.  Remember, "You is good, you is kind, you is important".

Have a good day selling!


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