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I met with a long term client yesterday and for the whole day he complained about his work force. He owns a small tech company, so most of his employees were millenials. Young people, who were very smart, worked very fast , but also worked very hard. But he didn't see what I saw.
He saw, "A bunch of kids trying to get ahead without putting in the time. Just working here until they can put out their own app or start their own company."
"Yes but they can help your company even if they're only here a short time. Why do you think they want to leave?"
"Because their stupid parents filled them full of pipe dreams about how they can be anything they want to be or start their own company, or be the next Mark Zuckerberg. They've all watched 'The Social Network', way too many times."
"So you think they all want to start their own company? Is that it? And why would they want to start their own company?"
"Because they think they know everything and won't listen to a damn thing I say. They're a bunch of know it alls and they're straight out of college. It's annoying."
"So they won't take direction?"
"No I didn't say that. Some of them are very good at taking direction. In fact Robert, is great!"
"Well what is it? Do they question your judgment?"
"All the time! It's so annoying. It's like every assignment we give they have to ask why they're doing it. They won't just do it without throwing out a ton of questions. I can be assured that if we implement a change in development, I get about 30 emails asking, 'WHY?' "
" Well, this is the year 2015, and they aren't in the military so people have a tendency to question authority...and also their parents taught them to question everything."
" They shouldn't. It wasn't that way when I was starting my career at Microsoft."
" Oh my god, now you're starting to sound old. These damn kids! I used to commute to work in snow shoes!", I said and just laughed at how absurd it all seemed. Every generation seems to complain about the young people coming up through the work force. Now that's annoying.
" Well not snow shoes, but sometimes snow tires.", he answered and I chuckled a bit.
" Do you wanna know what I think the problem is with your employees?"
" Yes I do. Please remind me again why I hired you as a consultant?"
" You hired me because I'm good, and your my friend so you're getting friend prices. Basically you're cheap. But the problem isn't with your employees, it's with YOU."
" What?! Are you crazy! Me? How could I be the problem? Can I get my money back please?"
" You're the problem because you aren't trying to work with them. You're just blowing them off as millenials. Let me ask you a simple question. Do you like millenials? Or do you think they're spoiled little brats, who all received participation trophies, and never had it tough like all of the Gen X'ers or even Baby Boomers? What's the deal? Are they spoiled?"
" Absofreakinglutely. They're all spoiled little punks. Trying to get ahead without actually putting in the work. I started this company after a lot of hard years, putting in long hours and learning the business. Half these little bastards want to have their own start up before they're even finished with college!"
"Well at least they have goals and dreams. I didn't know what I wanted to do straight out of college. I thought it was banking, but here I am working with you and consulting. And I love it."
" Right now, I don't like your consulting so much, but go on. What do you suggest I do to fix MY problem?"
" Let me ask you something. If it's not too personal how much did college cost you."
" Well I went to Berkley, so I was maybe $20,000 in debt when I graduated? What does that have to do with my employee problem?"
" And how long did it take you to buy your first house? I've known you a long time so I know you have a nice house. How long did that take."
" 10 years I guess. Give or take a year. Again, what does this have to do with my millenials?"
" And how hard was it to get into college, to find a job after school, and start your career?"
" I see where you're going with this crap. I got very good grades and got hired by Microsoft but it wasn't easy if that's what you're saying. And I worked my butt off to get where I am."
" I never said you didn't. But I want you to keep in mind how much it cost to graduate from a good school nowadays. Especially Berkley, and what's the cost of a home in California?"
" The cheapest price for a decent home? $500,000 probably. Again, I see where you're going with this and the cost of an education and home has nothing to do with the way my employees act. This is ridiculous. Do you have a point here?"
" I do. Here's my point. Millenials usually come out of school with a huge debt, and no prospects to buy a home in the next ten years. So why do they want to make it rich quick with an app or a start up? Because they're already behind the eight ball. They are in debt, with a decent paying job, but no chance to pay off their loan in the next ten years and buy a home. So what choice do they have? The don't unless you offer them one."
"What do you mean? I'm not paying off anyone's student loans or giving them a down payment on a house. Screw that!"
" I'm not asking you to do that. That would be stupid. I'm asking you to give them a chance. To offer them a future which they can buy into, and that will make them and you more successful. Do you think Zappos is offering to pay everyone's education or pay for their house?"
"Zappos? No I'm sure they're not. Is that the shoe place?"
" Yes it's the shoe place. But what Zappos is offering is a future and a chance for them to have the same opportunities we've had. Plus Zappos is very interested in their employees contributing to the direction of the company and offering their opinions."
" But we're not Zappos! We don't have that kind of money."
" You don't have to be Zappos. You just have to listen and you have to give a damn. If you show an interest in their future and offer to help, then people won't be as prone to leave and start their own company. If you give a damn, then people will respond and give a damn about your company and do their best to contribute. The problem is right now your blaming them, when really the only one to blame is yourself. Remember good leaders take responsibility for everything."
"Oh that's right. Let's blame me for everything and coddle them just like mommy and daddy. Then I'm stuck with a bunch of overpaid, entitled, cry babies."
" I didn't say coddle them, I just said listen to them, and show you care about their future. Right now the reason they don't want to stay and they don't want to help is that you're not treating them like people You're treating them like kids."
"I don't treat them like kids. I treat them like adults."
"Oh really? I just heard you tell Frank, one of your inside sales guys, that he should learn to speak more clearly and either take the marbles out of his mouth or go outside and play with them at recess."
"I thought that was funny! I was trying to make a joke."
"Well it came across as demeaning and could be demoralizing to poor Frank. I heard the other sales people snickering."
"He does speak poorly, like he has gravel in his mouth. What am I supposed to say?"
"Why did you hire him for inside sales then if he doesn't speak clearly? That's on you dude. And you could call him into the office and have a discussion about speaking slower and more succinctly, instead of making fun of him in front of the other employees. How would you feel if I made fun of you in front of your employees?"
"That's easy, I would fire you.", he said and then laughed out loud. "No I wouldn't, but again that's funny."
"It is funny. But not everyone get's your sense of humor and if you're in a position to affect their careers, that can be pretty them. I know you think they're spoiled but they're not. They're screwed."
"What? How are they screwed. They make more money than I did straight out of college."
"Oh please! When you graduated, Lincoln was still in office. With inflation, the cost of education, and the high cost of housing, these kids don't have a future as bright as their parents told them they did. They were told they're great, they're the best, and they're all special. Well imagine the shock when some of them realize none of that is true. That they're just normal, everyday people. They've got a lot of issues to overcome."
"Oh boo hoo, hoo. I feel so sorry that they didn't get all the presents they wanted at Christmas time. Excuse me if I don't shed a tear that their dreams didn't come true."
"You're a dick. I can tell you that cause I've known you for a long time, but seriously I bet that's what all your employees are thinking. That you're a dick. And you wonder why they're leaving? You need to understand that things have changed and that you need to get people to buy in to your vision, in order for your company to be not only successful ...but great."
"I should definitely fire you. But I'm still listening."
"It's not the same as it was when we were young, and if you want to get the most out of your employees you need to do two things. Number one, you need to care about them, and number two you need to give them a career path. Especially in the tech industry, otherwise good people will just leave and go somewhere else."
"I have had a lot of turnover in the last year. It's almost 40%. I'm not going to change everything, but I do think you may be on to something. What do you suggest I do, since I'm such a dick?"
"Stop being a jerk, and start caring about your employees. I know their 'kids', and you think they're spoiled but they're really not. They're disillusioned, they're over confident, overly skeptical, and in debt. They don't trust you with their future and right now you're not doing anything to change that. I would suggest you start by being more supportive and not so demeaning. Talk to them for god's sake."
He laughed, "Now you're just talking crazy. Actually speak to them?", he said and then we both laughed.
"Yes actually speak to them. There will be a few who still want to leave and start their own company but if you can keep the rest, and get them to buy in to your vision, then you'll be way ahead of everyone else. "
"Alright I'll give it a shot. I can't believe I pay you to tell me this crap. I think you need to give me a discount since all you did was tell me I'm acting like a jerk. My wife could have told me that."
"Yeah, but she would have have charged you more than I do."
Have a good day out there and treat everyone with kindness and respect!