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Friday, July 26, 2013

The Idiot Conspiracy

For the last hour I have been texting back and forth with someone from my former company about the lack of intelligence within the organization's management.  Which reminded me of a book I've mentioned previously on this blog called "How To Work For An Idiot", by John Hoover.  The book is well written and insightful but focuses mainly on how to deal with a boss who is an idiot, yet if you are a boss who actually admits to being an idiot, then it offers advice on how to cure your idiocy.

It is a good read, but it doesn't address the real problem, which is why do idiots ever get promoted in the first place?  I have had so many supervisors, managers, regional managers, vice presidents, and even CEO's that are terrible leaders, that I am beginning to think that idiots are conspiring to control the world.  People seem to worry a great deal about global warming and natural gas fracking,  but it seems that "The Idiot Conspiracy" has been overlooked by the media  Why?  Because they're in on the conspiracy.  Idiots are everywhere, even in the media.

Crazy people are always looking for signs of the impending apocalypse and while the proliferation of idiots does not mean the end of our world is near, it does mean that we appear to be regressing as a species rather than evolving. Below I've listed a few warning signs that idiots are taking over the world:

  • The Kardashians - I have no idea why or how this family became so popular, with the exception that Kim Kardashian made a sex tape, became somewhat famous, and her mother exploited this fame through marketing.  What frightens me is this is one of the most popular families on the planet, and none of them have gone on to pursue any type of higher education. The lesson here for parents is that if you have a pretty young daughter, hook her up with a rapper with a big penis, secretly or not so secretly film the encounter, and then sell it on the Internet.  Pretty soon you'll have a career as reality television stars, and you'll make a lot of money, exploiting her sisters as well.   Does everyone forget that this is really how Kim  initially became famous?  I have to give Kris Jenner credit though for her marketing skills.  She's a guru at exposing her daughters assets for money.   
  • Honey Boo Boo - When someone first mentioned this show to me, I had no idea what they were talking about.  And then I watched an episode and the show is stupid for the most part, hilarious in some parts, and terrifying for the most part. It follows the life of an overweight toddler who competes in beauty pageants and her messed up family.  Jesus people actually live like this? It is both tragic and funny, but simply idiotic.  And what's even more terrifying is that I found myself looking forward to the next episode!
  • Our Attention Spans - I don't know about you, but I find myself "multi-tasking" all the time.  And what I mean by multi-tasking is not, putting together a sales plan, talking on the phone, and updating my data.  More specifically, I am watching television, surfing the Internet on my computer, and playing a game app like "Plants Vs. Zombies" on my tablet in succession.  I have the attention span of a small child, and with the advent of new technologies we are all reducing our attention spans.  Which means, it's difficult for us to focus for long periods of time on...I'm sorry I just saw something posted on Twitter about kittens.  See what I mean?!  How are scientists and researchers supposed to survive the onslaught of multi media long enough to discover something new, or advance science. 
  • Your Boss - As we progress as a race, we also are becoming more self indulgent, more narcissistic, and more into ourselves.  Consequently, your boss is not going to be empathetic towards your situation and how you are affected by his/her demeanor.  In fact, they are going to be pissed at you for not helping advance their careers.  In the past fifty years, parents have effectively raised a nation of people focused on mainly themselves and how they feel as individuals.  And that's not any one's fault, but the result is a group of people trying to work together with entirely different agendas. The reason your boss is an idiot is because he/she can't understand why you aren't trying to help them with their goals, rather than focusing on your own.  A lot of them simply don't have the capacity for understanding because they weren't reared that way.  The empathy gene is being systematically "weeded" out of us.  That's why your boss is a prick, and why he/she promotes little pricks.
  • Your Company - If you work for a company you love, then good for you.  However for the most part, a lot people work for corporations, and corporations report to shareholders.  As a result the management is subject to shareholders interests which most of the time is earnings.  Shareholders don't really invest in a company for the social impact the company has on the environment, education, or the populace.  They invest to make money, and the actions of the company are subsequently to make money for the shareholders.  That's how it works.  Shareholders don't give a shit about how happy the employees are, whether the company is exploiting third world workers, or whether they are polluting the environment.  None of that stuff matters to a shareholder...they want earnings.  Subsequently, you are an asset or a liability and that is all.  We are no longer seen as people, even though we may think we are.  A perfect example for me happened ten years ago when my boss, a loyal employee of 15 years with my company, was let go because they felt his position wasn't needed.  He was the best boss I ever had, and still is a great friend.  But the company wasn't interested in the fact that he'd mentored about 20 managers or that he bled the company colors, they wanted to save a few dollars because his salary was too high.  They eliminated his job, then promoted a lesser skilled manager 6 months later and the whole branch went to hell. They never made a profit afterwards.  This is how stupid companies have become.  They look at short term profit and earnings and not long term growth and stability.  Why?  Because they're run by idiots.
However, despite idiots propagating more idiots, there is hope.  If we take a stand together and decide to stand up to stupidity all across the globe, we can stop the Idiot Conspiracy.  If your boss is an idiot, then tell him/her they are an idiot, but be sure to do it in front of someone else who agrees.  If your coworkers are acting dumb, then tell them to stop being an idiot.  And if for some reason you are an idiot, then get help.  There is a great place to go to reduce your addiction to stupidity.  It's called a "library".  Together we can stop the lunacy and save the world.

Have a great day selling!


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