I was out last week in a hospital and talking to a few nurses when this tall buxom woman comes walking on to the floor and almost everyone's head turns. She was absolutely beautiful: long hair, pretty face, and a flawless body. Which to her credit, she had worked hard to maintain and didn't mind showing off to the doctors.
However, the dress she had on was so tight, and so revealing that it was almost as if she had nothing on. First of all, it was low,low,low,low, cut in the front. Did I mention it was cut low?
And secondly it was so tight that every curve was accentuated and every line revealed. It was so snug, one of the nurses said, "She can't be wearing panties with that. It's way too tight, you would see the panty lines." Too which she added, "I bet you'd like to find out wouldn't you?"
I said nothing, because my mouth was still open, and then as I listened to what she had said, I just chuckled and asked, "Who is that anyway?"
"That's your competition.", the charge nurse said and then laughed.
"Really? I'm in trouble.", I responded and then gulped for air.
"No you're not. We make most of the decisions on this floor and we've decided we don't want to work with a rep who dresses like a whore. All the guy docs like her but we don't. I wouldn't worry about it."
" The docs like her. That could be trouble?", I was trying to keep from staring at the young woman who was just across the station and talking to a resident doctor.
" They like her, but they don't respect her. She's an idiot. They bring her in just to ogle at her."
" Really? That's kinda sad."
" For her not for you. Quit whining.", another nurse said and then added, "Don't even think about dressing like that."
" I would never do that. First of all I'm a man, and secondly, I don't like that dress."
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