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Monday, November 19, 2012

Types of Decision Makers - The Liar

How many times have you been fooled by this type of decision maker?  Other people will analyze them and tell you their the Amiable type, the Supportive type, or the Analytical type, but if they don't give you a straight answer then to me they're a liar.  Plain and simple.  It's not hard to characterize this type of decision maker, because there is one trait consistent in all of them; THEY FRIGGIN LIE! Right to your face, and to quote from the show "Seinfeld". "It's not a lie...if you believe it"

So I'm assuming these types of DM's have seen this episode many times and have practiced lying to sales people, employees, and even their families.  These are the types of people who have 3 kids in the family and tell each of them that "Daddy/Mommy loves you the most".  I have no sympathy when they get a bum deal from another company because they deserve all the bad karma I can throw at them.

Here are a few signs you might be dealing with a Liar:

1.) Avoids Eye Contact At All Costs -  The Liar will not look at you when you ask a direct question as to why they either like or don't like your proposal/product/etc.  They'll say, "It sounds good" as they look at their computer screen, cell phone, or anything to distract their attention.  Why?  Cause they're LYING!  And believe it or not some of them have a soul....some of them, so they feel guilty. Good!

2.) The Polite Smile - They Liar will give polite smiles when you ask for confirmation or affirmation about a product or service.  The "smile" will look almost painful to you, as if they have something lodged in their shoe, or severe indigestion, or worse gas.  It's more of a grimace then a smile and when you shake hands to leave and they tell you, "This all looks great", that will be the most painful smile of all, and it will be obvious they are full of shit.

3.) Touching Of the Face Or Head - The Liar will sometimes inadvertently touch their face like their nose, or cheek, or scratch their ear when they are in the midst of telling a lie.  They might look off into the distance and scratch their nose or ear.  Either way they might be lying and most likely your getting screwed out of a sale, even though they can't admit it.  If they continually touch their face and head, maybe they have a compulsive disorder, or a nervous tic, but this is unlikely.  What is more like is they are LYING!

4.) Nervous Gestures - The Liar will sometimes gesture nervously, and seem uncomfortable under questioning.  Even though you're being polite, sometimes the supportive type of personality will feel guilty about not buying and act nervous.  This is an easy sign to spot so you should try and drill down so you can at least get an honest answer.

5.) Easily Distracted - Liars are easily led down another path, other than why or why they aren't choosing your product or company.  Sometimes to make you feel better, the amiable or supportive type of personality will want to talk about personal rather than business matters.  They want to put you at ease, before they rip your heart out, and don't buy your product or service.

Keep in mind, that if you don't feel comfortable in a sales call, the chances are they aren't comfortable either and this could lead to trouble in closing the account/client.  If you get a "bad feeling" it's best not to ignore it and start asking the decision maker how they feel about yourself and the company. Now keep in mind, this doesn't mean that everyone is lying.  So don't get a bad feeling and blow the sale by being a "Psychotic Sales Rep" and harassing the client/DM/customer.  Just try to find out where they are at in the sale and make sure your getting honest answers.  It's better to hear a "NO" now, rather than a "NO" after 6 months of trying to sell the account and being lied to for that entire period of time.
Keep in mind that the phrase "Buyers Are Liars", is not that far from the truth.

Good luck and good selling!


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