Traditionally when you read an analysis of the reasons why people buy, the focus generally is upon consumer goods, and retail sales. Brand Managers will give you a much different answer as to why people buy retail items, than a sales "guru" claiming to know business to business sales. The sales cycles are different, and the commitment can be much larger in business to business sales. By the way, I do not claim to be a sales "guru", I'm just a sales person. One thing I've noticed about sales "experts" or sales "gurus" is they like to quote themselves a lot, and generally they are egotistical assholes. I'm an asshole but not terribly egotistical...maybe marginally?
Regardless, this post is about business to business sales, and the reasons why people buy, however if you are in retail sales some of the ideas expressed might be applicable to the retail environment. It all depends on how you want to use the information. I came across an article in a business magazine and I have listed below the consensus reasons why people buy:
- They like the Sales Person - Whoa! What a surprise...not. Of course that's the number one reason, otherwise they wouldn't even talk to you. Naturally they need to like you in order for you to sell your product or service. I wonder how much research people did to figure this one out. Thank you to all the sales "geniuses" out there for pointing this one out: Mr./Mrs. Obvious.
- They believe the product has value - Well that's another obvious reason. Did they really do any research here? I mean c'mon why else would you buy something if you didn't think it added value to your business or your life. The research for this article is very relevant but they didn't seem to be enlightening me too much.
- They trust their sales person - Okay this is a big one. First of all if they like you that's one thing but if they trust you that's a whole different "ballgame". Lots of people I like but I trust no one, not even family; especially family. So how do you build trust? Here's a tip: don't lie to them! Don't promise anything you can't deliver on, and don't make up some story to cover your ass. Be Terribly Transparent.
- They are trying to reduce costs - Not all people buy things based on price but costs is a major consideration, notably in today's economy. Businesses are trying to pinch every penny and so the price or cost of a product can be very important. It's important to note that people want to reduce costs but they also will not sacrifice quality. In other words they want it cheap but with all the benefits.
- They believe the product or service will help their business - Well who the heck convinced them the product or service was better? You did! Great job Ms/Mr./Mrs. Sales Rep! The products/services don't sell themselves so someone had to go in their and differentiate themselves and convinced the buyer they were different. Again nothing new here, but more of the obvious.
Have a great day selling!
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