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Saturday, December 29, 2012
Happy Holidays?
I love the holidays. That's right. I said it. Love'em! Why? When can you insult your mom, dad, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, and cousins over a glass of egg nog...mixed with rum and not get slapped on the side of the head. It's usually in good fun, and it's great because during the holidays, all is forgiven. You can be the worst relation on the planet and for some reason people will forgive you and even give you presents for being naughty! How wonderful is that?
Although the holidays are ripe with good cheer, there are some people you might want to avoid during this season, and some food and drink you should think twice about consuming in excess, or in some cases at all. Here's a few things to avoid during the holidays so you can be more jolly.
Weird Uncles - Every family has some person they would never bring with them on that show "Family Feud", because he's either living in a basement, or they keep him hidden in a closet. I had one uncle, who lived with my grandmother, and he would eat raw onions during the holidays. While everyone else was munching on Christmas cookies, chocolates, and cream puffs, he was eating onions. My sisters always remind me of him peeling them at the kitchen table. A routine he cherished. Naturally he would salivate profusely, and he would peel each onion slowly and deliberately, as if they were a delicacy few could afford. Imagine chatting with this little fellow during the holidays, and his onion breath masking all the wonderful scents of the season. For him it was a White Onion Christmas, and we all had to suffer through it. I find it amusing that many of my relatives wonder why he never remarried. Why he never remarried? Who the hell married "Onion Boy"in the first place?
If you have a Weird Uncle, avoid him like the plague because chances are...he might have it, and it might be an unwanted Xmas present he gives to you.
Strange Aunts - In addition to weird uncles, strange aunts always filled my holidays with cheer...I mean fear. The problem and payoff with these peculiar relations, is you never knew what was going to happen next. It was exciting to watch my aunt drink her glass of "water", which was essentially a tall glass of vodka. After a few glasses of water, the fireworks would start and she'd be laughing hysterically or yelling at my uncle that they had to leave, because she wasn't feeling well. Hmmm, I wonder why? Maybe a little less water and a little more food, and she wouldn't have been hallucinating and seeing elves dancing around the tree. Receiving a good night kiss from this aunt was the equivalent of having your eyebrows singed. One breath from her near a match, and the entire house would erupt in flames. Good thing my dad was a volunteer fireman. How's that for a Merry Christmas!
The Black Sheep - Every family, assuming you're a part of a family, has one person they dread seeing around the holidays. Or rather the person they invite to every holiday gathering and then pray they don't show up. This person usually ruins Christmas by doing something completely horrible, like stealing presents from kids, borrowing the car and then leaving it in a roadside ditch, stealing money, asking for money, or fighting with everyone and ruining the spirit of the holiday. Black Sheep are usually very unhappy people, verbally abusive too their kids, their husbands/wives, poor dressers, and lack manners. Food regularly flies from their mouths because they speak while they're eating and they shout at their kids all through the day.
"Jimmy put that gun down, you're not 10 yet."
"Holly stop kissing your cousin Todd on the lips."
"Donna, a halter top is not appropriate at the dinner table."
Believe it or not, my family gets along fairly well, and when our Black Sheep shows up we are polite, and cordial, so we don't arouse any suspicions or anger, and when that person(s)leaves, there is never a big sigh of relief, but rather a mutually joyous chorus of "Hurray!" I can remember one year my nephew shouted as the door closed, "Let's get this party started!"
If a Black Sheep comes to the house, herd him/her quietly out the door.
The Mystery Dessert - My grandmother always had to have a certain ambrosia salad for dessert every Christmas, and we loved it. But she also made us eat this divinity candy which she made herself and forced us to eat, that was the equivalent of sucking on a piece of granite. Each piece had the taste of a wet rock, while the shape and texture of the supposed candy was more like a petrified macaroon. If you were dumb enough to bite into a piece before you had sufficiently slobbered it soft, you were sure to lose a tooth...or two. Yes it was that hard, and we took to throwing it at each other because it inflicted a great deal of pain upon the person who was hit, and blood was usually drawn upon contact. The candy was shaped like a macaroon but with an extremely hard and pointed end, which easily pierced the skin. Cries rang out whenever we participated in a "Divine War", and a blood trail inevitably followed. If my parents had not intervened on several occasions I'm sure that someone would have lost an eye.
As my mother wisely said, "Yes children, red is a Christmas color, but your father and I will be the only people who shed blood on this holiest of days."
I assumed at that point we were engaged in some type of Jihad against the neighbors, but I rarely asked questions after the first glass of Rhine wine had been consumed by my mother. Too dangerous.
Egg Nog - I like egg nog a lot, but too much of it, and I feel like I'm filled with egg yokes. Who invented this evil mixture of milk,rum, eggs, sugar, and cream? This drink will never make it on the Skinny Girl cocktail list because it has more fat and calories then six quarts of Haagen Dazs ice cream. Yet mixed with rum and Kahlua, it's sooooo goooood!
Apparently this is an English concoction that was developed in the Middle Ages and the tradition carried over to the American colonies. Why didn't they just leave it in England? It taste great going down, but if you drink too much and it ends up coming back up, it can be a horrific experience. Like vomiting candied milk. If you do end up drinking some, be sure to drink it slowly...very, very, slowly; just the way it pours.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. I know I will.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
"Operation Cleanup"
In all my years of selling, I don't think I had ever experienced a "cleanup" of my numbers...until now. I have been having a great year and October was no different, with me exceeding quota again. Consequently I was expecting a pretty good paycheck for my commissions this month. For those of you not in healthcare sales, the commissions are always paid well after month end, sometimes even 2 months after the month end. Naturally, I was anticipating a nice holiday shopping season. However to my surprise, instead of a good commission check, I received a big piece of humble pie from my company, which came in the form of an email.
" Our admin team does some cleanup to make sure all orders and accounts are coded correctly, at which point commissions are calculated and resulted in the 92% attainment with the corresponding payout. Thanks. "
Thank you Mr. Spock. 92% attainment? When will we make it to warp or even hyper drive? Does this mean I have to attend a Comi-Con convention to get that revenue back? What the heck does that mean? What are they cleaning up? Does this involve a mop, bleach, Lysol, or even Comet? Naturally I had to call and ask, and the answer I received was that they had unwittingly duplicated an order. Here was my email response. I have highlighted it in red for obvious reasons, anger being the primary one.
"I'm not clear on the technical definition of "cleanup"? If the order was duplicated and the patient received the orders then why is it being deducted from my numbers? Were the products returned and will there be a credit issued to the customer?"
"Not at this time. The patient hasn't responded to our query and we can offset this duplicate with reorders in the future."
"Again, why is it being deducted if the company is not issuing a credit to the patient or the insurance company?"
"It is being deducted because technically this is a reorder and Account Manager's are not paid on reorders."
In other words, "go screw yourself."
I was shocked! I understand the need to curb expenses but I was almost under the impression that the "cleanup" is part of a monthly routine performed to reduce costs and thereby upset the Sales Team morale. If a company wants a sure fire way to deplete morale, just start messing with employees and their money. The company will definitely have a deep seeded morale issue. I called several of my fellow Account Managers to see if they had ever been victimized by the late night "Cleaning Crew", and the response was the same from all of them, but one in particular offered her professional advice.
"Oh so they finally got you too. Sorry, but that happens a lot here."
"Seriously. It's happened to me at least 8 times in 5 years. Where I'm over quota and then suddenly they find something that puts me under my quota. They're never really clear on what it is that's fallen off my numbers but they always claim it's a reorder."
" I need to get a new job. This is messed up. Do they supply you with data to support it?"
" Of course they would get sued otherwise. But keep in mind they control all the data going in and out. We have no control over it."
" Geez it's like Big Brother is watching us."
" More like Big Assholes."
" Well big assholes get screwed all the time. Let's hope it happens soon."
" Big assholes also shit on everything. Be careful you don't end up under it."
" Good advice. I think I need an umbrella"
" A heavy duty one. To protect you from the cleanup."
" What I need to do is start looking for a better job opportunity."
" Amen. I hear that. Do it now before you get complacent and stop being angry."
I took her advice and dusted off, updated, my resume the next day. It doesn't hurt to be looking for new opportunities, especially when you've landed in an asshole.
Well, I'm off to the Dollar Store for Christmas gifts! Have a good day selling!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Carpe Diem!
How sad that the only reason many of us know what this means, including myself, is because we watched the movie "Dead Poets Society". Even worse, is that the words came from the mouth of Robin Williams, who prior to this was famous for being Mork from Ork, saying things like "shazbot", sitting on his head, and freezing people on the sitcom "Mork and Mindy". Regardless of the messenger, the message was pretty clear, despite the fact it was written in Latin: "seize the day".
I believe that when I was younger, this phrase meant that I could act like a jackass and do crazy things because I was living every moment to its fullest. "Carpe diem" we would shout when we got drunk and jumped 60 feet off a cliff into the waters of Lake Havazu, or went tearing down a mountain road on motorcycles in excess of 120 miles per hour. What we really should have been shouting was "holy shit I can't believe I'm doing this!"
However, now that I am a bit older, I realize that it can mean many things to different people depending upon who you are, you're lifestyle and what type of day you wish to seize. As a sales person it can mean that if you see an opportunity you should seize it before it is lost. For a parent it could be as simple as telling your child you love them before they head off for school, or for a couple sharing love for one another and reminding yourself why you're together. There are a myriad of ways to embrace the concept of carpe diem both personally and professionally. Here are a few ways for you to lighten up your day by seizing the moment.
1.) While Shopping: When the cashier says, "I can help the next person in line", and opens a register, make sure YOU are that first person in line,whether you are entitled to be or not. If you have to knock down kids or an old lady to do it, who cares, as long as you seize that spot. First come, first serve...sorry grandma.
During the holiday season, people actually fight to get the hottest selling items on the shelves. Be sure that you don't get left out in the cold and make sure to get there early or late, but don't ever leave the house without a Taser or at least mace. You never know what you'll need to do, in order to make your children happy. Get that gift or go home a loser.
2.) In The Office: If there is only one doughnut left from the dozen that someone brought in, make sure that YOU are the person to eat that last doughnut. Even if you're not hungry, grab that last bear claw or crawler because it's the little victories that count. Maybe there is only one cup of coffee left in the pot, be sure that you get it before anyone else does. Or perhaps there is just one piece of cake left from a birthday party, take that piece before the rest of the office, even the person whose birthday you are celebrating. Hey, it's their birthday, they'll receive plenty of presents, they can do without one measly piece of cake.
3.) As Your Driving: There may be only one parking spot left in the mall, especially this time of the year, but make sure you take the opportunity to snag it for yourself. Sure people have been circling for hours and you just pulled into the lot, but if you can get to the spot first, you win! Be careful not to run over any pedestrians in the process.
I would recommend other ways to practice carpe diem while driving but these might be interpreted as "road rage", and I don't want to have any of you be involved in an accident. Seriously, it's not fun.
4.) At A Restaurant - Nothing is more frustrating then walking into a place ordering your food, and having no place to sit because one person is taking up an entire table to themselves. Seize the day and seize a spot next to that person. Then proceed to be so overly disgusting or annoying that they leave the table to you and your friends. I find that being way too enthusiastic and "chatty" always does the trick for loners who want to just eat their food. You either get the table or a black eye, but it's worth a try.
5.) In The Field - Here is where you can really make an impact on your income and your life. If you sense that a prospect or customer is about to close, you should immediately seize the moment. Some people call it using your "antennae" or your "sales sense". However, all good, and I repeat GOOD, sales people can almost feel when a prospect/customer is close to making a decision. As a rep you have to take that opportunity and close the customer/prospect. If you don't close, then you don't get a sale and they don't get the benefit of your product or service. Because keep in mind, that Sales is about helping people achieve their goals, and not only about making money...Did I just write that?
Although we all enjoy the making money aspect of the job.
Have a great day selling!
1.) While Shopping: When the cashier says, "I can help the next person in line", and opens a register, make sure YOU are that first person in line,whether you are entitled to be or not. If you have to knock down kids or an old lady to do it, who cares, as long as you seize that spot. First come, first serve...sorry grandma.
During the holiday season, people actually fight to get the hottest selling items on the shelves. Be sure that you don't get left out in the cold and make sure to get there early or late, but don't ever leave the house without a Taser or at least mace. You never know what you'll need to do, in order to make your children happy. Get that gift or go home a loser.
2.) In The Office: If there is only one doughnut left from the dozen that someone brought in, make sure that YOU are the person to eat that last doughnut. Even if you're not hungry, grab that last bear claw or crawler because it's the little victories that count. Maybe there is only one cup of coffee left in the pot, be sure that you get it before anyone else does. Or perhaps there is just one piece of cake left from a birthday party, take that piece before the rest of the office, even the person whose birthday you are celebrating. Hey, it's their birthday, they'll receive plenty of presents, they can do without one measly piece of cake.
3.) As Your Driving: There may be only one parking spot left in the mall, especially this time of the year, but make sure you take the opportunity to snag it for yourself. Sure people have been circling for hours and you just pulled into the lot, but if you can get to the spot first, you win! Be careful not to run over any pedestrians in the process.
I would recommend other ways to practice carpe diem while driving but these might be interpreted as "road rage", and I don't want to have any of you be involved in an accident. Seriously, it's not fun.
4.) At A Restaurant - Nothing is more frustrating then walking into a place ordering your food, and having no place to sit because one person is taking up an entire table to themselves. Seize the day and seize a spot next to that person. Then proceed to be so overly disgusting or annoying that they leave the table to you and your friends. I find that being way too enthusiastic and "chatty" always does the trick for loners who want to just eat their food. You either get the table or a black eye, but it's worth a try.
5.) In The Field - Here is where you can really make an impact on your income and your life. If you sense that a prospect or customer is about to close, you should immediately seize the moment. Some people call it using your "antennae" or your "sales sense". However, all good, and I repeat GOOD, sales people can almost feel when a prospect/customer is close to making a decision. As a rep you have to take that opportunity and close the customer/prospect. If you don't close, then you don't get a sale and they don't get the benefit of your product or service. Because keep in mind, that Sales is about helping people achieve their goals, and not only about making money...Did I just write that?
Although we all enjoy the making money aspect of the job.
Have a great day selling!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Why Do They Always Preach You Have To Be #1?
I am currently reading another sales book, and invariably there is a quote from someone who is the #1 rep in the country and how they became so successful. I always laugh when I read these quotes because these people are so full of themselves, and basically full of shit.
When Robert Ringer wrote the book "Looking Out for #1", he didn't intend for people to use it as a justification to be jerks and walk all over people. He wrote it to help people take control of their lives, and not get bogged down by other people's issues. Yes it is a manifesto for selfishness, but suddenly everyone wants to be #1. And the focus in every corporate sales culture is on being #1. Why? Because it's a sign of success. Well aren't you still successful if you're number 2 or 3 or even 4? I know a lot of number 1's, including myself, and believe me, we're nothing special.
Consequently I put together a list of 5 qualities it takes to be number one:
1. It Helps To Be Lucky - I remember an operations VP at a company I worked for had a placard on his door that read,
“I'm a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it”
Well Thomas Jefferson never worked in sales. Sometimes being in the right territory, at the right time, with the right quota, can make all the difference between being number 1 and being number 101. Years ago, I interviewed the number one rep in the country at my company, because he was up for a promotion to management, and my branch needed a sales manager.
I asked him, "What did you do to have so much success at such a young age, and in such a short time with our company?"
"One word. Sony.", was his answer.
"What do you mean exactly."
" I sold Sony. It's the largest account in the company to date. Of course I had help from Greg my GM and Jeff the manager. But it made my year."
" What about other accounts? What other accounts did you sell besides Sony?"
He laughed and said, "What other accounts did I need to sell , when I sold Sony?"
He explained the entire sale to me, and in reality this kid, and he was a kid, walked into a territory and a situation where Sony was already about to close, and he just happened to be the rep in the territory at the time. He seemed well spoken, well dressed, and ridiculously cocky. Needless to say, I didn't hire him as my sales manager. The little prick just got lucky.
2. A "Good" Attitude - Positive mental attitude is what everyone preaches for you to be a successful rep. What the hell does that mean? I don't have a positive attitude and yet I've been in the top 5 as a rep and manager at several companies. And currently I am the number one rep in my region and number two in the country. And as your reading this, do I sound like Professor Positive? The answer is NO!
However, it is essential for you to have a good attitude and not get bogged down with whining. A top sales person, has to overcome ALOT to be successful, so just keep focused on your goal, which is to make money. I whine a lot and then I get over it, but if you just keep on whining and don't try to stop, then you turn from a whiner into a wiener. And nobody likes a wiener.
3. Confident Not Cocky - I've met a lot of number one's who are cocky. Why? Because they're number one. But they don't always stay number one, and when they have a bad year, because the bar is now just to high for them to reach it, for some reason they remain cocky, and blame it on everyone else. The name for that person is "asshole", and I'm happy to see them fail.
However, a confident person, is one who knows their own abilities, and trusts enough in themselves to achieve their goal(s). And a confident person never flaunts their success. That type of behavior should be beneath them, and reserved for someone who is cocky. Trust in your abilities and you will do well in sales.
4. You Need To Actually Like People - I have never met a successful sales person who didn't enjoy being around people. Not selling to people, but just being around them, and engaging in conversation. Number one reps, just like any other salesperson, genuinely like people. Most good reps find people fascinating, and they want to hear their "stories", this leads to understated trust with the prospect or customer, and helps that rep sell. Me I find that as I get older, I find people less fascinating and more annoying, but I am able to overcome this issue with a good I sell to people I like which helps.
5. Focus And Fun, Focus On Fun - I combined these two together because a top rep maintains focus on their goals, but also on fun. This will help with your attitude as well, because if you go out and try to enjoy yourself each day, then you will have fun. If you're too focused on your goal, then all the fun is taken out of the job. Who the heck wants to be in sales if you can't have fun? That's the whole reason we're involved in this profession.
I interviewed a few number one reps for this posting, and one of them told me specifically:
"I get up every morning at 6:00 am, check my numbers, and then I focus on what I want to accomplish that day, and how I can make it more fun for the customer. That's it. Nothing special. "
When you're out there in the field, it is important to strive to be successful, but not everyone can be Numero Uno. There can only be one. But it's okay if you're number 3,4, or even number 20. Just so long as you feel good about who you are, and where you're at.
Have a great day selling!
Tips From Qyoda
Qyoda is normally a guest blogger on the site, with quick tips on how to increase sales or he just provides funny anecdotes. He will be appearing much more in the near future since our attention spans seem to be diminishing and no one, including myself, can maintain focus for more than a minute.
This Weeks Tip From Qyoda:
"If you make a sale, you earn a commission. If you make a friend, you earn even more commission...and maybe a drink or two afterwards."
Monday, December 3, 2012
The Holiday Season Is The Best Season For Sales
I like getting out and selling during the holidays because most reps are not working. In fact, most of us are more concerned about what Xmas gift to buy the kids, wife, or parents, so we tend to slow down a bit during the holidays. And why not? We've worked hard all year. Right? Oh wait, that's right were in Sales, it's easy money. Bullshit. It's not easy at all. Therefore many of us dial it down ALOT during the holidays to recoup and get ready for next year. Is this a good idea? I say NO!
Here are 5 good reasons to make that little extra effort to sell during the holiday season, and remember I said little extra effort. It doesn't take a lot to make a difference, it's all about the timing.
1. Everyone Is Happier During The Holidays - Even that grumpy old contact, at one of your accounts or potential accounts, seems to be in a good mood during the holiday season. Hit them up for a visit or an appointment! They may be a sour puss during most of the year but around the holidays they warm up like instant cocoa. There are some people who are resistant to the jovial nature of the season, but they aren't worth selling to anyways. Get out there and take advantage of the good cheer.
2. Other Reps Are Shopping - I remember a few years ago it was a Friday, right before Christmas, and I was working in one of my hospitals around 4 pm. Not late, but late for a sales rep on a holiday weekend.
One of the nurses in the Intensive Care Unit said to me, "What the hell are you doing here? It's Friday. All the other reps have gone home."
"That's exactly why I'm here. No competition. Besides I didn't work at all this week so I figured I'd better get out and see some people. ", I replied and she laughed. It was all totally true. I find that if you just spend a few hours working when you know other people aren't,...there is no competition. It's just you and your customers/prospects.
3. You're Allowed To Be Goofy - The Holidays are an excuse for you to dress like Santa, or an elf, or even a Hanukkah bush, to amuse your customers/prospects. I can assure you that if you show up in a silly outfit or wearing even those ridiculous antlers that light up, people will give you some talking points. They might even laugh, and then all of their defenses come down, and you're able to talk to them. Buyers and customers tend to be very guarded all year round, but the holidays are different. Being a goofball is a great way to "break the ice", and at no other time of the year, is it more accepted than during the holidays. Heck dress up as a reindeer if you want, but don't leave any droppings on the customer's floor.
4. The Holidays Are A Time For Giving - During this wonderful time of year, it is customary to give people gifts. So give'em away! I know that in the medical field it's strictly forbidden to give out anything at all to a Health Care Professional, or HCP. But that doesn't mean you can't leave candy for them, or fruit, or something they can eat. Just make sure you "educate" them, on something or another about your company. For those of you who don't work in health care and have few restrictions, hell buy them lunch, or a gift basket, or a bottle of scotch. Anything to get the prospect's attention, and therefore get your company and your point across to them. Give freely of your time, your attention, and most of all your message.
I remember doing a joint call with a rep who was firmly entrenched in her territory and had a lot of customers. She was a distributor of my products so we made a few appointments together and when she showed up for the holidays with homemade pies, her customers went wild. I could have bought them lunch, gave them a pie myself, and they wouldn't have cared. But the fact that she made the pies herself, endeared her to those customers. They thought she was the greatest thing since.......sliced pie.
5. Santa Was A Salesman - Do you remember all those stop motion television specials about Christmas they made in the 1960's? The ones they still show every year on the Hallmark network or even on CBS? Like "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer" or "The Year Without A Santa Claus"?
Well I can remember one of my favorites of those shows was "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town". In the story, Kris Kringle had to literally sell the kids on playing with toys because the Burgermeister Meisterburger had outlawed toys. Talk about a salesman! He got the kids to risk jail time for themselves, and even their parents just for a couple of toys! That is amazing, and he did it all with a little song. A creepy little song when you think about it, "If You Sit On My Lap Today", but still it worked! Santa knew what those kids needed....his products.
Many of you may not agree with me, and you'll choose to take the season off, and if it helps you recuperate, then I say, "Good for you!". However, I think it's best to just put forth an extra effort, at key times during the holiday season, and this will set you up for not only next year but this year as well. It's as easy as putting one foot in front of the other.
Happy Holidays and Good Luck Selling!
Click on this link and you'll see what I'm talking about!
Monday, November 26, 2012
The Wrong Company Phone
I don't know if your company issues cell phones to employees, but a company I once worked for did, and they actually claimed they would monitor your activity. It seems as if George Orwell's vision of the future had become a reality with governments and companies monitoring people's activity. Today, even our private conversations are now public fodder. So when I received a Blackberry from Federal Express, I was reluctant to activate it for fear that soon "Big Brother" would be watching me. Well it turns out that Big Brother was definitely not watching, because the person who had the number previously was utilizing his company phone for a side business of his own.
Initially. when I received the Blackberry I was annoyed that it had a 732 area code. For those of you who are familiar with the East Coast of the United States, this is a New Jersey area code. Yes, that's right, New Jersey. Home of famous people like Thomas Edison, Buzz Aldrin, Bruce Springstein, and of course New Jersey's most famous resident Nicole "Snooki" Pilozzi. Her and all the other residents of the "Jersey Shore" have turned the state from the Garden State into the "Fall Down I'm In A Drunken State", and now the place is famous for great things such as the "Jersey Fist Pump".(See Picture and Diagram Below)
But the show "Jersey Shore" is not why I was upset, because at times, the show can be amusing just like Jerry Springer, or Maury Povich are amusing. You just want to see a train wreck and they provide you with daily train wrecks for your amusement and observation. So you can go about your life thinking, "Man at least my life's not that screwed up". The reason the New Jersey area code upset me is because I'm in California! California, home of fun and sun, and beautiful guys and girls who definitely do not fist pump. My prospects or customers would see the number and think immediately that the company was located in New Jersey and had no California address. Which would not be true at all, in fact we had two large distribution centers in California. But the area code was the least of my problems with the new smart phone. The first problem came when I activated the damn thing. I received a text message which read:
"Bro, I need a hook up for tonight I got that date and everything. Call me."
I thought it must be a mistake, since I had just activated the phone. Why would anyone send me that kind of text?
"Bro, why are you not calling me. I wanna score something tonight. Hook a brutha up and call me...laters"
Now this message seemed a bit distressing since I am not a complete idiot and I know that when you "score" something it either means a girl, guy, or drugs. I assumed this message meant drugs, and I was not disappointed because the next text message, from a different number, confirmed my theory.
"Yo, what type of sh#t are you bringing to the party tonight? I'm bringing the booze, but I know you're bringing the PARTY!!!!!! Right? Holla back so we can hook up for some pre party stuff."
Keep in mind, for those of you who are literate, I am inserting punctuation so the text reads correctly. It seems that currently, we don't feel a need for any type of punctuation, even in a so called "literate" society. The real texts were without punctuation, except for the '!!!!", and capital letters. I guess that's more "street" or hip. What would I know? I'm a dork. I thought long and carefully about responding to the texts, however I figured it would be best to just ignore the request and eventually the texts would stop.
But then the phone started ringing and all the calls were from 732,646,917, and 516. New York City or New Jersey. I didn't answer the phone because first and foremost I didn't want to feel obligated to help the person on the other line with their "issue". And what the hell was I gonna do for them anyway? And as I could see the voicemails kept coming, I decided to listen to them out of curiosity.
"Yo bro, Are you gonna call me or what? I got this hot bitch lined up for tonight and I wanna give her a buzzzzzzzz before we go out. Keep her wound tight. Where ya at?"
" Yo, yo, yo, what's up?!!! I need to score some uhhh "fun" for this weekend, I got some friends coming in, so call me."
" Hey ______, are you coming for Thanksgiving tomorrow? If you are, bring some sh#t so we can get WASTED dude. Later."
"Yo, yo, I have booze for tomorrow but bring some of the good E. Haha or GOOD "Es" should I say. Hahaha. Hit me back."
Apparently, this person definitely had some connection to drugs. I know for a fact that "E" stands for Ecstasy, and he apparently had some type of hook up to that drug in particular but who knows what he was supplying to people. I was starting to get paranoid because the phone kept ringing, especially one 732 number in particular and thought to myself:
"Oh great! All the buyers are pissed off at this guy, and so essentially there mad at me! They're expecting me to come through for them. Where am I going to Ecstasy at this hour and how am I gonna get it to New York and New Jersey!"
Then I realized they didn't know me, so why should I care? I'll just turn the phone off, which I did. Problem solved. At that very instant, there was someone pounding at my front door. Pounding so hard, and so LOUD, that my dog started barking, which she never does. I was freaking out now. Was it the police? Did they trace the phone to my place and now I was going take the fall for this former employee's little drug empire? I couldn't go to jail, I'd never last as some one's "bitch".
Or maybe it was a competing drug dealer, who knew I was now in this market and who was looking to rub me out? He was probably outside with an uzi just waiting for me to open the door so he could fill me full of bullet holes. I was losing it.
I decided to hide in the closet, because that was all I could think of to do. I thought this was a brilliant plan since cops or angry drug dealers never look for perpetrators in the closet. I sat there in the dark, and I just waited for the pounding and barking to stop which it did, and then I heard a car or truck pull away from outside the house. I was free....for now.
I slowly opened the door and saw a little package lying on the welcome mat. I grabbed it, and quickly closed the door. As I carried it to the kitchen, I thought it must be a bomb, or some other incendiary device from a rival gang who already knew about my dealings with clients in New Jersey and NYC. I carefully laid it down on the table and looked at the labels. It looked normal enough, and it was from out of state. I didn't get close enough to read the label because I didn't want it to blow up. Instead I set it on the ground for the dog to sniff at, hoping she would miraculously change into some bomb sniffer, or that if it did go off at least she would be the only casualty. She pushed it with her nose and I covered my ears but nothing. I picked up the package and looked at the label. It read:
"Happy Thanksgiving From _____________ Healthcare"
I was confused by the cheery message, and then my personal phone rang. I looked at the number and it was from my company's corporate office so I answered.
"Hi M. This is Dave from _____ IT. Heh I need you to help you set up your new phone. Do you have time right now."
"Yeah I guess Dave. I've been getting all kinds of weird messages on this phone. Who was the last person who had this number anyway?"
" Beats me. What's the area code anyway?"
" It's 732."
" Oh that's Jersey. Probably a rep in NY or something. I don't know who get's what numbers until I set them up. Why do you ask?"
" I keep getting weird texts and phone calls from the East Coast. "
" Well just ignore them, I'm sure they'll stop calling. Or change the voicemail and people will get the idea. "
That was easy for him to say, he didn't have people counting on him for Ecstasy and other drugs in order to have a Happy Thanksgiving. He didn't have the cops on his tail and rival dealers ready to kill him at a moment's notice. Sometimes people are just clueless.
He took his time and helped me set up the Blackberry, and eventually the calls and texts stopped after a week, but I missed my time as a potential part time drug dealer with an East Coast connection. As the texts trailed off, I was almost tempted to answer them just to keep the conversations going, but I knew if that happened soon there would be that familiar sound of banging at the front door from the police....or a delivery guy. I was thinking the whole time that Dave, the IT guy, didn't have any idea how close I had come to getting thrown in the "slammer", or worse...killed. And then I thought of what Dave looked like, and how long he would last in jail, the big wimp. He couldn't do the hard time like me, like a dealer. I held up my new company phone, rubbed on the texts, and missed calls, and thought to myself,
"I'm such a bad ass!"
Have a great day!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Florida: Why Is It The First Choice For National Meetings?
Since I have been working in Sales at various corporations, I can't count on both hands how many times the National Meeting has been scheduled in the sunny state of Florida. Which for those of you who weren't Math majors in grade school, high school, or college that means more than 10 times. Why is Florida the destination for so many national meetings? Well there are a number of reasons why the Sunshine State is the first and last choice for so many corporations to hold their National Meetings:
1.) It's Warm - For East Coast people this is a vacation spot, and a place to get away from the cold. In fact many of them probably have parents who live in Florida during the winter, so they can even visit them while they're in town for the meeting. The nice weather will make a great retreat for so many people already sick of snow in January, February, or even March. Let's face it, if your from the East Coast, Midwest, or Central states, the place to go is Florida.
2.) It's Cheap - Since the CEO just gave himself a raise, he/she can't be wasting money on an extravagant meeting in a nice place, so Florida is the next best thing. The room rates are more than accommodating and you can stay in a nice place for cheap. Hell you can even find a nice pant suit at one of the hundreds of local flea markets. Who doesn't need a good pair of $2 plaid pants to wear on the golf course. The rates on hotels, food, and even airfare are very reasonable and make Florida a prime destination spot for meetings.
3.) The Elderly - Since most places in Florida are filled with elderly people, there will be little to distract the participants in a National Meeting. What are they gonna do, go to Olive Garden, and pick up girls or guys? One thing I will say is there are a lot of strip clubs especially in the Tampa area, so this could be a distraction. However, with elderly men taking up most of the prime spots around the stage, the young male participants in meetings would rather have a seat in the hotel bar, then next to an old man's dentures in a glass at a strip club. More elderly, less distractions, so this keeps people involved in the daily activities.
4.) The Resorts - Florida is LOADED with resorts. In Clearwater Beach you can throw a rock and hit maybe 10 resort hotels within a 5 mile radius. The resorts allow the people who coordinate the meeting to keep everyone at the resort and reduces the amount of "stray" employees. Since everything the people need is at the resort, why should they go anywhere else? However keep in mind, that some of these places are resort in name only. One year I stayed at an older "resort" which seemed to be more of an overgrown hotel then an actual resort. The food was terrible, the beach was small, and our fellow guests were frightening. I was lucky to escape that meeting alive.
5.) The Alligators - I don't understand why, but alligators are everywhere in Florida. You can be walking in the parks and almost step on one. It's alarming how they just lie around like lawn furniture in so many different parts of the state. Yet if you're having a National Meeting, they make an ideal deterrent for people who try to leave the resort.
All it takes is a subtle hint to participants like, "Please be careful not to leave the grounds, there are alligators everywhere and the company cannot be liable for your safety outside of the resort."
This works every time to help keep people in line and in attendance for the meetings. Although sometimes it feels as if you're going to die, sitting through 3-4 days of Hell Week, the alternative is death, and no one wants to die trying to make it to a Chili's or a strip club. It's safer to just attend the meetings, get a good night's sleep, and not sacrifice a limb.
Have a great day selling and look forward to your next National Florida!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Types of Decision Makers - The Liar
How many times have you been fooled by this type of decision maker? Other people will analyze them and tell you their the Amiable type, the Supportive type, or the Analytical type, but if they don't give you a straight answer then to me they're a liar. Plain and simple. It's not hard to characterize this type of decision maker, because there is one trait consistent in all of them; THEY FRIGGIN LIE! Right to your face, and to quote from the show "Seinfeld". "It's not a lie...if you believe it"
So I'm assuming these types of DM's have seen this episode many times and have practiced lying to sales people, employees, and even their families. These are the types of people who have 3 kids in the family and tell each of them that "Daddy/Mommy loves you the most". I have no sympathy when they get a bum deal from another company because they deserve all the bad karma I can throw at them.
Here are a few signs you might be dealing with a Liar:
1.) Avoids Eye Contact At All Costs - The Liar will not look at you when you ask a direct question as to why they either like or don't like your proposal/product/etc. They'll say, "It sounds good" as they look at their computer screen, cell phone, or anything to distract their attention. Why? Cause they're LYING! And believe it or not some of them have a soul....some of them, so they feel guilty. Good!
2.) The Polite Smile - They Liar will give polite smiles when you ask for confirmation or affirmation about a product or service. The "smile" will look almost painful to you, as if they have something lodged in their shoe, or severe indigestion, or worse gas. It's more of a grimace then a smile and when you shake hands to leave and they tell you, "This all looks great", that will be the most painful smile of all, and it will be obvious they are full of shit.
3.) Touching Of the Face Or Head - The Liar will sometimes inadvertently touch their face like their nose, or cheek, or scratch their ear when they are in the midst of telling a lie. They might look off into the distance and scratch their nose or ear. Either way they might be lying and most likely your getting screwed out of a sale, even though they can't admit it. If they continually touch their face and head, maybe they have a compulsive disorder, or a nervous tic, but this is unlikely. What is more like is they are LYING!
4.) Nervous Gestures - The Liar will sometimes gesture nervously, and seem uncomfortable under questioning. Even though you're being polite, sometimes the supportive type of personality will feel guilty about not buying and act nervous. This is an easy sign to spot so you should try and drill down so you can at least get an honest answer.
5.) Easily Distracted - Liars are easily led down another path, other than why or why they aren't choosing your product or company. Sometimes to make you feel better, the amiable or supportive type of personality will want to talk about personal rather than business matters. They want to put you at ease, before they rip your heart out, and don't buy your product or service.
Keep in mind, that if you don't feel comfortable in a sales call, the chances are they aren't comfortable either and this could lead to trouble in closing the account/client. If you get a "bad feeling" it's best not to ignore it and start asking the decision maker how they feel about yourself and the company. Now keep in mind, this doesn't mean that everyone is lying. So don't get a bad feeling and blow the sale by being a "Psychotic Sales Rep" and harassing the client/DM/customer. Just try to find out where they are at in the sale and make sure your getting honest answers. It's better to hear a "NO" now, rather than a "NO" after 6 months of trying to sell the account and being lied to for that entire period of time.
Keep in mind that the phrase "Buyers Are Liars", is not that far from the truth.
Good luck and good selling!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
You Are The Most Important Person At Your Company
Working for years in Operations, you always drink the Kool-Aid, and think that everyone is created equally, and that the CEO made you in his own image. Which for me is a bit frightening since our CEO is short, balding, and dresses like a yachtsman. In fact, I think he may have been one half of the duo "The Captain and Tennille" who had a few hits in the 1970's, including my personal favorite, "Muskrat Love". Our CEO prefers polo shirts with navy blazers and khaki pants. I look at him and think he's an extra from the movie "Caddyshack". In fact he could have been Ted Knight's golf partner.
Yet working in Operations, you believe that EVERYONE is important to the operation, and EVERYONE can take part in the company's success. Yet what, or rather who, drives the business? Sales people that's who! YOU are the most important person working at your company.
I don't care how much this offends other people in your organization, and I was one of those other people, without sales there is no organization. Sorry service, administrative, and support people, but SALES IS WHERE THE JOURNEY BEGINS. Without a sale there would be no need for administration, or operations, or even service. There would be nothing. So if you ever start to feel down, or you're having a bad day and people are giving you a hard time, just think secretly to yourself,
"I'm more important than you are to this company. So kiss my ass."
And again, I stated to say it secretly because you don't want to piss everyone off, then your sales will never go through. Remember, "You is good, you is kind, you is important".
Have a good day selling!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Is Sales The Best Job Ever?!
I find it amusing when people give you advice like, "Find something you're good at, and that you love to do, and make that your job." Really? What planet do you live on? I'm not sure you can get paid for playing "Call of Duty" or "Madden 2012"? Because not everyone has the luxury of doing what they love to do. Albeit the "Professor Positive" people will tell you that you just have to never give up your dream. What kind of messed up, alternate reality do these people live in?
Unlike Disney movies, dreams do not always come true. I think the truth is that you try to find something which suits your skill set in life, and make that your career. Because you'll be successful, and you won't get depressed and want to kill yourself or your boss. In all honesty, not all jobs are created equal, and not everybody gets the job they want, but more like the job they can do and they can tolerate. Pretty sad huh?
With one major exception. Sales reps. In my opinion, I like the job, but I'm not in love with the job. But what a great job it is! Think about it. No one puts together our schedule for us, we're not required to be in an office everyday, and we get to interact with people daily. It's great! If you are a rep in an office daily, I'm sorry but your job does suck, and you probably have a boss who's an idiot.
Sure we have a lot of pressure to sell, but we also have a lot of free time to do things like pick up our kids, drop off our kids, go to our kid's soccer games, help our kids with homework, and do something else with our kids. Or if you have no kids, you have time to go shopping, get a bite to eat, nap, plan out your weekend, or go pick up your sister's kids. The point being we have no set schedule, without out our own input. We are running our own little business. Personally, I think that's awesome.
I have been blowing out my numbers again this year, and this week I was offered another management position with the company. I was flattered by the offer, but I had to weigh the issue carefully. Did I want to give up my freedom so that I could impinge my will upon poor, unsuspecting reps? Or did I remain a rep and keep my open schedule and my daily naps at 4 pm? After finding out the salary it was an easy decision. I turned it down. The VP was not terribly happy:
"I don't understand, you told me you were interested in managing reps again, so why are you turning down this opportunity?"
"Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the offer, but I won't make as much as I'm making now, even with a high base salary. It doesn't make any sense for me to change because the commission structure is not that good for managers. I'm sorry it's a great opportunity but just not for me."
"Sometimes we all have to take a cut in pay to move up the ladder."
"Really? Why? I'm confused. Doesn't moving up mean you'll make more money?"
"Not necessarily. I had to take a cut in pay when I moved into management."
"Well, I really don't understand why that's a requirement. If anything you should reward those people with more money. They now have more of the responsibility and less of the fun."
" Yeah fun. Being in sales can be a lot of fun. You see people, take them to lunch, some of them are even happy to see you. It's fun. When you become a manager there's no more fun."
She laughed. "I guess I can see that. But you can't move up unless your a manager. "
"Well than I guess I'll just stay put. It's a good opportunity just not for me. Thanks."
" Are you sure? I was so sure you say yes."
" Yep, I'm sure. Thanks again."
Most of the other reps thought I was crazy, but why leave the best job ever to inherit the headache and heartache of being a manager. A job where you get none of the credit and all of the blame. When I was the top sales manager of the West in 2000, my reps got all the credit. I had 4 and they were great, but who trained those reps, who rode with those reps, and who lead those reps: ME. But did anyone thank me for leading the team? Nope. So they got all the credit, and I got a "promotion". What I got was another mess to clean up in a bigger location, which I did, and what happened? The reps got the credit again, and really they should, but as a manager you resent it. If you're in a position to be promoted, ask them to SHOW YOU THE MONEY! You have to justify, if giving up your "freedom", is really worth the money, and the politics of being a manager. Sometimes it's just not.
Be thankful you're alive, be thankful you're healthy, and be thankful you're a sales rep. It really is a great job! Maybe not the best job ever, but for me it's pretty darn close. Have a good day selling!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Got A Case Of The "Mondays"
When I wake up on Monday mornings, I usually rise about 6 am, I am not looking forward to a day of work. I'm not even looking forward to getting out of bed, let alone greeting customers or clients, rather I'm just trying to get to the coffee maker to brew a fresh cup of energy. Now, I've heard Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, and many others explain that it's all in your perspective as to how you greet the day. They are absolutely right! And I choose to greet my Monday's with anger, hatred, and resentment. Explain to me why I should smile, when the dog has shit on the carpet, my neighbor's baby is crying so loud, I can hear it from a block away, and my car has bird shit all over the hood. The day has greeted me first with disdain, and I intend to treat it the same way.
So when people tell you to get a better "Attitude", tell them to go to hell. You do have a choice in this matter, you can be happy and go out and greet the day with a smile, or you can be angry and greet the day with a grimace. Mondays are not for smiling; they are for grimacing. I focus on making it through to lunch, and by that time my hatred has dwindled to a simple stream of obscenities, rather than a torrent of Tourette Syndrome. It is manageable, and so is my day, but I never expect to be excited when I get up on a Monday. Instead I embrace the hatred and work though, it until I feel better. And inevitably, I always feel better.
When Mondays come around embrace your hatred of the day. Wrap yourself in it, and guard against the absurdly happy people who greet you on Mondays. They don't know it, but their just as upset to be working as you are, they're just suppressing their feelings. You can be satisfied knowing that unlike them you do not live in denial, and the only way for your week to go is UP!
Have a good week selling.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Transparency Is The Best Policy
Two nights ago I was watching a documentary on ESPN about sports agents and how they have changed the face of sports. It was a fascinating look into the world of sports agents, and not just the famous ones, like Leigh Steinberg. It portrayed how difficult it is to get started as an agent, how they have to invest thousands and thousands of dollars,early on in an athlete's career, just to get them ready for the draft; any draft. Most of the documentary followed a struggling agent who was just trying to get his company started, and as I was watching the film I realized why he was struggling. He was fake.
His entire routine, his sales calls, his needs analysis, were so contrived that I certainly would never have signed with him. He exemplified what a salesperson should never strive to be, phony. Even down to his diction, "We want you to be part of our family. We really look at ourselves as a family here and we want to bring you on board."
Funny, I don't ever remember telling my niece or nephew that I was glad to bring them "on board", instead I mumbled things at them, and held them awkwardly, until their parents took them back for fear I would drop them on their little heads.
The agent's "act" was such bull shit, that I was actually annoyed with him by the end of the film. And guess what, he lost all his clients. Why? He claims that it was because he was betrayed by the athlete. No, it was because he was full of shit and the athletes and their families saw right through his facade.
One thing I will say about the agent was that he worked hard, very hard, but in the end it didn't work out because he had no substantial relationship with his athletes. In addition, he didn't seem sincere. They didn't buy him, and in the world of sports they have to buy you, not a brand, not a company, not a product. He couldn't sell himself, and that has to be a difficult "pill" to swallow. Here are a few tips for struggling sales reps on how to be more transparent and therefore gain the trust of your clients or customers:
1.) Dress Well But Not Swell - If you come into an account wearing a Rolex, unless your a salesman for the watch company, you aren't going to be well received. Dress nicely but don't be the best dressed person in the room, because people will see you as a shark. Someone who is there to take their money so they can buy a new watch. It may work on "Wall Street" but it doesn't work on Main Street.
I remember interviewing a prospective rep for a job and she was wearing a Cartier watch. My first impression was that she wasn't going to work. I was not the hiring manager, so only my input was needed, and I told the manager,"She won't last because she's not going to do the work. She's never had to work."
He ignored my concerns, hired her, and fired her 9 months later for non performance. Dress appropriately but don't be a "show off".
2. Be Transparent - I was in a clinic last week and the nurses and doctors were asking me why I came by so much when sometimes I didn't even have orders. One of the nurses chimed in, "Because we're closest to his house I bet." My answer, "Damn right. Why should I drive all over town when one of my best accounts is right here." The Clinical Director said, "Well at least your honest. I appreciate that." It was the truth, and it is one of my best accounts, so why should I drive 2 hours to a place where I don't have any business when I can stop in twice a week and pull more orders through at a hospital right down the street. I didn't lie, I didn't feed them a line of BS, I just told the truth, and they appreciated my honesty.
3. Take A Personal Interest In Your Customer - 3 weeks ago, I ran into a nurse who I hadn't seen in a year, at a conference. We talked for a few minutes and I asked how her mom was doing following a car accident that previous year. She said, "You remember that conversation." I said "Yes, and I remember visiting her in the hospital". Which I had done, because I felt it was the right thing to do. The nurse's eyes lit up and she said, "That's right! You did. She was so thankful and I was too. I wish more people did stuff like that. It makes you more human and less like a rep. In fact, I hate our new rep, he's just interested in orders and not in us."
I'm not saying visit every one's mom in the hospital but if you have an opportunity to show your customer you actually care about something other than their business, then do the right thing and reach out to them.
4. LISTEN To Your Customer - For new sales reps this is especially hard, because you're trying to spew out the Features and Benefits of your products, and not listening to the what the customer is really saying. Or they throw out an objection and you handle it like a counter puncher and try to bash the objection.
I recall one time I was with a new rep and we sat down with a decision maker and she said, "I've been promoted so I won't be making this decision but I can put you in touch with the new person once I know who it is."
The rep responded, "Well why don't we just go over with you why we're a better fit and then you can tell the new person."
"I won't be involved in the decision at all, so I don't see how it's going to help", she answered.
"Well let's just go over it anyway. Of course only if you have time.", the rep was now forcing himself on the customer. Which I didn't see as a positive thing, but I saw a train wreck coming and I just wanted to see it happen.
"I don't really have the time so just contact me in few weeks and I'll let you know who's filled my position."
" Are you sure you don't have just a little time?", I cringed and waited for the trains to collide. I could hear the air brakes in my head.
Now she was pissed, "To be honest I don't, and to clarify one thing, I won't be involved in the decision making and if I was I wouldn't choose you. Good day gentlemen.", she said LOUDLY, and she stood up and pointed to the door.
We left, and as we walked out the door the rep said, "What a bitch. We would have never got that account anyway."
Some people are just clueless. But you don't have to be.
Those are 4 pretty good tips for dealing with your customers or prospective customers. Take some good advice and be:
S tylish but not over dressed
H onest in the way you conduct yourself
I nvolved in your customers conversations
T ransparent in what you are trying to achieve
Of course I' m sure there are some of you who just won't give a SHIT. Have a good day selling.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Reading Is Fundamental
When was the last time you read a book about sales? 12 months ago? 5 years ago? Okay, here's a more relevant question. When was the last time you read a book about sales that your corporate office didn't make it mandatory for you to read? I'll bet most of you will answer - NEVER!
Why? Because most sales books are "preachy", boring, and written by people who have sold and want to tell everyone all about how great they are, or by a college professor who has a theory on how to sell. Where do you think the term SPIN Selling came from? It was a nerdy professor from England who never sold a thing is his life who developed SPIN Selling and then sold it to the corporate world.. And is it good? Hell yeah! It's a great theory. Is it interesting. Hell no! It is very relevant and very boring. So why do we all know about SPIN Selling? Because someone forced us to read it. Our boss or CEO bought us a copy and said read this or else, because we're going to use it as our corporate sales training guideline.
"All sales reps will be required to attend a 3 days seminar and if you fail the final test you're fired."
What's sad is that may be true for a lot of sales reps. What's even worse is that we can't pick up a book to read because we fall asleep in 5 minutes. Sales reps are social animals. We want to be outside talking to people, socializing, interacting, and above all, making commissions. We don't want to be sitting at a desk reading anything except a magazine or hopefully this blog. We don't have time. Or at least that's what we tell ourselves. But in sales, reading is fundamental.
If you're not reading anything pertaining to our profession than you're really stagnating. Sales and the process has changed over the years, but it is still fundamentally the same. The only thing different now is the way we communicate. There is much more selling via email, web conferencing, and media than ever before so reps need to keep up with how we sell and the way in which certain commodities are sold. If you're not reading then you're not progressing in your personal development. While other reps who are, may have an advantage in the sales arena. Reading is definitely fundamental.
Here are a few books which I've read that are not only informative, but entertaining as well. Check them out if you'd like, and you don't have to buy them because most public libraries have them in stock Here's five books I have not only tolerated but enjoyed reading, and they are in no particular order:
1.) "How To Win Friends and Influence People" : Dale Carnegie - This is still a great read, even though it was written a long time ago. It covers the fundamentals of not only sales, but really relationships and I think it's a great tool for reps to use in their daily life. A classic, and a great book.
2.) "The Little Red Book of Selling": Jeffrey Gitomer - Gitomer claims to be a sales "guru" but I think he's kind of a New York City loud mouth. After hearing him speak, I wish I had never gone to his seminar. But like him or not, the book is good. I've worked with companies that advocate his techniques and his writing style is brief, succinct, and amusing at times. It makes it easy to read his books and take away tidbits of information to help you in the field. A lot of people enjoy his other books like "The Sales Bible", but this is the best one by Gitomer in my opinion.
3.) "Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman" :Jamie Reidy - This book is a very entertaining look at the world of pharmaceutical sales and I thought it was very funny. It is an auto biographical tale of Jamie Reidy's life as a salesman for Pfizer and focuses more on how he escaped working rather than how he became successful. It was made into a movie, "Love and Other Drugs", which had nothing at all in common with the book, except the name of the title character. A very entertaining read with lots of ideas on how to beat the "system" in pharmaceutical sales and still become a success in spite of yourself.
4.) "How To Become A Rainmaker: The Rules For Getting and Keeping Customers and Clients": Jeffrey J. Fox - This is a very easy to read and simple book, which I thought have a multitude of good stories and quotes. It's all about making rain in the traditional Native American manner, and not a reference to strip club fodder. Fox outlines ways to bring "rain" to yourself and your company through a series of brief stories and quotes from famous people. It's is a very quick read which for me was wonderful since I can't sit still for more than 5 minutes at a time. Good read for reps with Attention Deficit Disorder.
5.) "Why She Buys: The New Strategy for Reaching the World's Most Powerful Consumers": Bridget Brennan - I thought this book was fascinating. It is an in depth look behind the mind of the world's most powerful group of consumers-WOMEN! It is filled with interesting facts and data behind why women buy certain products and is a very engaging look at how women perceive their purchases. I found it a fairly quick read just because I had never delineated between how a women buys from how a man buys, but after reading this book, I changed my selling strategies. It might be a bit long for some, but I read it in spurts and was able to absorb a lot of the information. Great read.
So this will get many of you started, and I'm sure the old standard books still apply to your sales environment. Books by Neil Rackham, Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, and of course Zig Ziglar are all good fundamental books to read regarding sales techniques and selling. They aren't all that enjoyable but they are pertinent. If you can find a book you like, and it helps you sell, then read it. After all, we'll all be students of sales.
Have a great day selling!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Focus On Where You Can Win
When you first start at any new company you're always excited. It's the thrill of working with new people, selling something different, and meeting new colleagues. It's thrilling. That's assuming that you've made the right choice and the company has a great culture. Too often we get saddled with a place where they sold us on the idea they are culturally sound, when in reality, the company's culture is non existent, and they treat their employees like crap. Which unfortunately is today's job market.
I have a friend who works for a company which specializes in creating "culture" for other companies. In other words, guiding the companies to be better at treating their employees, and creating an atmosphere for people to thrive. For me, it always made sense to take care of the people who take care of you, but apparently some corporations are oblivious to this concept.
I asked her, "Why do you have to create a culture for them? Wouldn't the culture just come naturally to a company? And as it grows people would define the culture?"
Her answer, "You would think so, but a lot of people who own companies are frigging idiots. They either stumbled on to something great and don't know anything else, or they're too focused on their own stuff to worry about their employees. You'd be surprised with some of the companies we work with, and how bad their corporate environment really is."
"Oh please tell me. I need to know who they are for my blog."
"This information is not going in your stupid f$%king blog.", she answered. What a great "friend"? And yes her mouth is that foul. It's great! She's training people on how to conduct themselves with their employees and in the meantime she's swearing like a drunken sailor.
I can't name any of the companies but I was shocked that a major retailer, she was working with really had no cultural identity. Yet, I was proud that she was helping them to establish one. Which leads me to this post's topic as it relates to different situations. If you find yourself duped by a recruiter into taking a job and the company culture sucks, focus only on where you can get some wins.
In the past I've been recruited by some pretty large companies only to find that their senior leadership was lacking the vision to make the company great. Yes it is possible, for a company to still be successful despite it's poor management. Why? Because they have good people to overcome that sloppy management. In addition to poor management, the work force and especially the sales force were MISERABLE! And I mean that sincerely. A month after taking a new job, I came to find out that everyone working in the place wanted to quit. It was hard to accept, because I had just left what I perceived as a worse situation to come to a "better" environment, however the two companies were noticeably different. My previous company had a much better culture than my new employer. So now I was screwed. What was I going to do? Look for another job, just months after I'd taken a new one? No company would hire a "job hopper", so I had to think of an alternative plan.
As I spoke to some of the seasoned reps, I came to understand one thing about the company which I could not overcome. NEGATIVITY. All the reps seem to focus on was what they couldn't sell, as opposed to what they could sell. What I did was the opposite of what they were doing; I focused on where I could win, not where I was going to lose.
I would mention an account, and the older reps would say, "Oh don't go in there. Your competitor has been in there for years. You'll never get that account."
My response, "Thanks for the advice, and I'll sell somewhere else, but I'll come back to this account later."
I just wanted to get some wins/sales under my belt so I could get some confidence and have my company's name on people's minds. It worked! After a few sales to some particular doctors, suddenly I was on top of the region. When I was asked by the seasoned reps how I was able to ramp up so quickly, I told them that I simply followed their advice. I sold where I knew I could and avoided the spots where my competition was entrenched. It wasn't hard, in fact if they had taken their own advice they would have been on top of the region as well. . It's important to score those little wins on your way to bigger ones down the road. Too often we let our shortcomings prevent us from even trying to sell.
If you focus on what you can do and not on what you can't, then you'll be successful.
Have a great day selling.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Avoid Being Too Smart Or Too Good
I have been up for a number of promotions in my career, and have missed out on more than a few of them for several reasons. However two of the biggest reasons had to do with performance and intelligence. Excellent performance on my part and a lack of intelligence on my superior's part. Seems odd doesn't it? But you can actually be passed over for a promotion because you're too smart or you do your job too well.
Here are five examples of how you can be too smart or too good to be promoted:
Boss Dependency- I had a friend who was working in the fashion industry for years under the same boss, who was not very intelligent and relied upon her, to do all his work for him. On several occasions, a management position would open up, but she would be passed over and never told why. After failing to earn a promotion for the 3rd time, she went to the owner of the company and asked why she had been passed over, when it seemed like some of the positions would have been a perfect fit for her talent. The owner informed my friend that her boss had given her a poor recommendation. She was shocked! She confronted her boss about not giving her a good reference and his response was typical:
"I didn't recommend you, because I can't afford to lose you. Do you really think I want to actually have to work for a living? You do everything for me, and the sign of a good boss is being able to motivate your employees. Right?"
"Yes but you're motivating me right out the door. I don't wanna stay if I can't ever be promoted. That's a dead end job."
Needless to say, she quit shortly thereafter and went to work for a competitor who not only promoted her, but paid her the money she deserved. Good for her!
Flaunting Intelligence - If you're a smart person, don't tell everyone about it! Nobody likes a braggart, and there are a lot of "higher ups" who hate them. If you are an intelligent person please keep it to yourself, otherwise you'll find yourself is some very uncomfortable situations. Once when I was young and little more bold, I had the audacity to say during a meeting, "Am I the only one who can see what a stupid plan that is?" Everyone in the room took offense to the remark, and as a result I probably set my career back about 2-3 years. I was right, and everyone knew that I was right, but that didn't give me the right to be a jerk about the whole situation and insult everyone in the room. If you're smart, then be happy, and don't tell everyone how smart you really are. That's just stupid.
Eddie The Egotist - If you're good at your job, and you know it, then it's best to use your position wisely. 10 years ago I was up for a promotion, and it seemed a logical choice for me to step into the role which my boss had given up for an early retirement. He had been grooming me for years to take over the plant operations and I seemed the logical choice. The employees supported me, the regional advisers supported me, and I had been a service manager of the year and sales manager of the year in the last 2 years. It all made me.
Unfortunately it didn't make sense to the Vice President who was making the decision. He knew I was really good, but also found me brash, impertinent, and an annoying bastard. Who wants that type of person working for them? He passed me over and when he did so, he made sure to explain why he did it, and throw stock options at me to keep me happy. He explained my ego had gotten the best of me and if I was a little more modest and showed more maturity he might have given me the promotion. I took that as a hard lesson, but I learned to keep my mouth shut despite the fact that I was knew I was right. People don't like a know it all.
The Specialist - Many people are very good at what they do, and in some cases too good. In certain markets you can become so good that you're what's called a "sales specialist". You're almost like a doctor who specializes in colo-rectal surgery except you're selling a certain type of product, and you're not looking at butt holes all day...literally.
While this niche will give you a lifetime of employment, it might also prevent you from being promoted. In fact at this very moment I can think of one person I know in particular who keeps getting passed up for a promotion because she is so knowledgeable about her market, the company won't move her on to a management position. She doesn't know it, but I do and obviously so does senior management. Try not to become too specialized at selling one particular component to a market, otherwise you might position yourself for a lifetime of employment but selling the same thing FOREVER. Boring...
Insecure Managers - I understand this is hard to believe since so many bosses have these huge egos that seem to fill up the room, but secretly a lot of them are insecure. This is why they berate employees, harass employees, and generally make their employees feel like shit. It's because they know they suck, and that sooner or later someone is going to figure it out. Consequently, they won't hire people who they perceive as being better than them. Heck, even some good bosses follow this train of thought.
A few years ago, I had started with a new company and was helping to recruit sales people at USC. I interviewed this great candidate who unfortunately I could not hire because she lived outside of my branch's territory. She was such a good candidate that I passed her on to another hiring manager who needed a rep, and I assumed she would be a perfect fit. I was wrong. He came out of the interview room shaking his head.
"M, I can't hire that girl."
"What? Why not? What happened? Did she interview poorly?"
" No she was great. Very well spoken, very intelligent. Absolutely gorgeous. She'd be a great sales person but I can't hire her."
"I'm not following. She sounds like the ideal candidate."
" That's just it. She's in the top 1% of her graduating class, she sold knives door to door her junior year in college, and she looks like a super model. She'll have my job in 5 years. I can't bring her on board."
"What? That's no reason to pass on her. She's a great candidate."
" She's too smart. She'll get bored with the job, and besides I can't have that kind of distraction on my team."
"What distraction are you talking about?"
" Did you look at her? The other woman on the team will be jealous, and the guys on the team will be drooling. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. I'm gonna pass."
" I think you're being stupid but it's your call."
" You always think I'm stupid, so why should today be any different."
I just laughed. He was right in so many ways, especially about the stupid part.
Remember you are kind, you are smart, you are important,.....and sometimes you have to tone it down just a little to get ahead. Have a great day!
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